
Below are Class Description, Size, Cost and Schedule.  Seating is limited.

Payment options

-Call into the store, 402-991-6655, and pay via credit card
-Stop by the store to book your class via cash or credit card
-Due to limited space and high demand a ‘no show’ or ‘call in on the day of class’ will result in only a 50% refund. Refunds are in-store credit.
*No discounts apply to class costs. Certificates can be used towards classes!

Class list

  • Homebrewing 101 – this TWO HOUR class will provide you with all the necessary information for you to brew your first one gallon batch of wort from an extract recipe.  This class is not intended to teach you all there is to know about brewing beer, but don’t worry, there are other Patriot classes to help with that.
    The class includes a practical application of extract brewing.  Also including preparation, brewing, and fermenting.   Patriot will supply all equipment and lend out the fermenting bucket, lid and airlock.  Each student will take home one gallon of wort to be fermented and then bottled.

Dates available: TBD
Class Time: 10am to Noon
Class size: 2 stations per session
$30 per station (two people max per station)

  • Brew in a Bag (BIAB) – this FOUR HOUR course will introduce Brewers to a brew method that transition from extract to all grain with minimal equipment (one 10g Blichmann kettle is used in the class), setup and time.  This course will provide an overview of the process, equipment using a propane burner, and a hands-on practical exercise.  A great class to take to graduate from extract to all grain with little investment.

Dates available: TBD
Class Time: 10-2pm
Class size
: 4
$20 per person

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